Skin Age Reversed 13 Years in Just 9 Months by Doing This
While claims of anti-aging made by many cosmetic makers are often suspect, there is one trick that could have a truly dramatic impact on skin age for a select group of people.
Dramatic reversal of skin aging has been observed in smokers who stopped for at least nine months. This extremely encouraging research is relevant to non-smokers who may experience similar improvements by eliminating avoidable chemical exposures, detoxifying, and changing their diet to include longevity-promoting nutrients and phytocompounds, such as blueberry, zinc, and chocolate. In fact, a wide range of natural substances has been studied to contribute to restoring youthfulness, elasticity, and health to the skin, as you shall soon see.
Dark Circles: Treatment
Although they are usually relatively harmless, you may want to reduce the effect as much as possible. There are several choices you can make daily to help reduce both bagginess...
Dark Circles: Treatment
Although they are usually relatively harmless, you may want to reduce the...
7 Most Common Nutrient Deficits
Many nutrients are essential for good health. While it’s possible to get most of them from a balanced diet, the typical Western diet is low in several very important nutrients....
7 Most Common Nutrient Deficits
Many nutrients are essential for good health. While it’s possible to get...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Nonablative Resurf...
Nonablative Resurfacing Lasers What They Treat: Moderate sun damage, melasma, minor scars How They Work: Here we're talking surface-sparing fractional lasers, and picosecond lasers outfitted with something called a diffractive...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Nonablative Resurf...
Nonablative Resurfacing Lasers What They Treat: Moderate sun damage, melasma, minor scars...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Ablative Resurfaci...
Ablative Resurfacing Lasers What They Treat: Deep wrinkles, severe sun aging, prominent scars How They Work: These lasers act on water as well, but their higher energies, and the way...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Ablative Resurfaci...
Ablative Resurfacing Lasers What They Treat: Deep wrinkles, severe sun aging, prominent...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Pigment Pulverizin...
Pigment Pulverizing Lasers What They Treat: Individual brown spots and tattoo ink of all colors How They Work: Pigment-seeking lasers fall into two main camps: Q-switched (à la the Ruby,...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Pigment Pulverizin...
Pigment Pulverizing Lasers What They Treat: Individual brown spots and tattoo ink...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Anti- Redness Lasers
Anti- Redness Lasers What They Treat: The redness of rosacea, sun damage, spider veins, cherry angiomas (red moles). Fresh stretch marks, some types of scars, port wine stains, and superficial...
Laser Skin Treatment Series: Anti- Redness Lasers
Anti- Redness Lasers What They Treat: The redness of rosacea, sun damage,...